The Significance Of Kobbari Kudakalu In A Telugu Wedding

A Purna-Kumbha (kalash) is made from a coconut known as Sriphala (Sri, the name of the goddess Laxmi, signifying riches; phal, fruit). The coconut is also a separate object of devotion. A single coconut also represents the Lord. The three coconut eyeballs stand in for Shiva's three eyes.

Kobbari Kudakalu

Except for a tuft on top, the dried coconut's fibre covering has been removed. The coconut's markings give it the appearance of a human head. The coconut is shattered, signifying the ego's destruction. The white kernel, or the mind, is presented to the Lord along with the juice within, which stands for the inner inclinations (vasanas). The water within the coconut or Kobbari Kudakalu leaks out when it is broken.

As a result, the fibre of desire covers the heart, symbolised by the coconut. It transforms into a sacrifice to God after we purge it of all selfish wants and provide the core. A mind that has been thus cleaned by the Lord's touch is served as Prasad. It is normal for someone to feel proud after completing a task of this size. Crushing the coconut represents destroying the ego and submitting to God.

At temples, coconuts are also broken in front of the gods during regular devotion. The underlying principle remains the same: total deference to God. Hence, a person presents a coconut to a god with the phrase “I offer myself at Your feet” in any ceremonial or fortunate endeavour.

The person is analogous to a coconut. Hinduism holds that a person is made up of three bodies (arras).

  • Sthūla Śarīra — The coconut's exterior husk serves as a representation of the gross bodily body.

  • Sūkṣma Śarīra — White kernel is a representation of the subtle or astral body, which includes the mind, emotions, and so forth.

  • Kāraṇa Śarīra — Causal body made up of the latent subconscious imprints (saskras), which are the cause of rebirth and are symbolised by the water inside.

Kobbari Bondam

The two actual eyes and the third eye of knowledge (jna caku) are represented by the three eyes on top.

Coconuts are broken for two reasons:-

  • Breaking the coconut represents self-sacrifice for the benefit of all living things. We really hope and pray that we can make the most of our human birth to serve all living things (sarva-bhuta-hita).

  • As a sacrifice to the elementals (bhutas) to drive out the nefarious and hindering bhuta-bali powers of chaos.

The coconut is therefore essential to many Hindu rites, not only marriages. Buy a beautiful Kobbari Bondam online for your wedding rituals from Pelli Poola Jada. Visit the website now and check out the authentic designs and colours made by our artisans.


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